So it was Monday morning and Mr. Stevenson was passing out a newspaper article. And you could expect a newspaper article to be quite boring. But shockingly, the article captured my interest. I just got to tell people about this. As this article was talking about the New York City Board of Health has approved a ban on the sale of large sodas and other sugary drinks at restaurants, street carts and movie theaters. The point of this ban in my opinion is to encourage health. Sadly this is what has to be done. Although it is an individual’s right to eat and drink whatever they want. The US had tried pointing out the potential dangers of overeating and weight gain, but no one took the awareness into consideration. So that is why the New York Board of Health reached to this decision. Also it states that treating obesity medically is very expensive and leads to health complications. There are way to many deaths occurring in the states, and if we don't change now then your kids will be at risk to dying before the elder. This should be a main concern to everyone! People may argue about how it is their right to 40oz of sugar water. Right now you could do that in one huge container. This is a great step to change. According to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s idea it will now take2 times smaller containers. If Bloomberg did not think about this idea, Americans will continue to suffer from obesity and costs for medical procedures will continue to increase. "This is the single biggest step any city, I think, has ever taken" (Bloomberg, New York Times).
woww this article is shocking !!